The continued aftershock quakes in Japan and other possible reactions of the earth were on my mind last night. Before going to sleep, I asked what I needed to know to be part of the healing of our planet, Mother Earth. I muscle tested I needed a Ray from the Heart of God (the work of Patricia Cota-Robles), Ray 27, “The Diamond Light of the Creator—Pure White Light—Peaceful Co-Existence between species, races, religions, and governments." I called on this Ray before going to sleep and asked for guidance in my dreamtime. I dreamed the following:
I am walking, carrying wood, a stack balanced on my back and a bundle in my arms. I am amazed how well balanced it is as I walk through town, not dropping a piece. I feel myself in the server position, bringing firewood from where it could not be used to where it is needed. A woman directs me through the business place out to a back street, where three other well-dressed women join me. They lead me to a large meeting room. Four dark men come out to receive us, and I realize with no words spoken that the intention is that I will be raped. The other three women enter willingly, but I mentally put out the thought that I am not willing to participate. I drop my bundle and run away as fast as I can. I go into a building and hide in the back office of a play therapist, who has lots of toys for children in her office. I think I may be safe, but then I hear them coming and run again. I go to a marshy bog and hide under a flap of mossy earth which covers everything but my feet. I hear the men coming but hope they will not notice me. Then I hear the footsteps of one of the men coming to me with the same sureness of step heading right for me as my lover coming to me. I was violated. While I do not have memory of the actual rape, I know it happened, and I am left trying to figure out how to deal with the physical and emotional aftermath.
The dream shows a parallel to the situation with Mother Earth. She serves us always, bringing us what we need—firewood to keep our homes warm, food to eat, and air to breathe. But we violate her in so many ways. With radioactivity from the meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors being carried by the air, the earth truly has no place where one could hide from this contamination.
Another dream I had this week reinforces the relationship between us and Mother Earth by addressing the relationship each of us has with our own physical body, our little piece of Mother Earth. The background for this second dream is that at my last physical, my physician recommended I get Zostavax, the vaccine against Shingles recommended for everyone over age 60. I normally avoid vaccinations whenever I can, as I had an aversive reaction to one in my childhood. However, my parents have both suffered from Shingles, and a beloved colleague my age just told me about her having Shingles and how painful it was. I had been thinking that Shingles was something only old people get, but then I remembered that I am 62! I have heard other stories of the devastation this illness can bring in the senior years from the virus that lingers in the system from having Chicken Pox as a child. When increased stress lowers immunity, then the virus gets a chance to attack.
I checked with my internal guidance system on this topic and decided that getting the vaccine was in my highest good. I went for it the very same day this week and had to sign a consent form which included saying I was not pregnant, which I found a bit humorous. Before getting the injection, I called on Matrix Energetics Universal Healing Frequency #3 (the work of Richard Bartlett, online at to harmonize the vaccine with my body to prevent an allergic reaction. I think the frequency worked, because soreness at the injection site was listed as a possible side effect, and I had no soreness on my arm whatsoever. The night after getting the vaccination I had the following dream:
A woman has her pet wolf on a leash. She is poking at him with a stick and gleefully photographing his lively reactions of snarling at her and jumping around. I think that she should be very careful, because if she continues to agitate him, he may attack her.
As I woke up thinking how abusive this woman was, I realized she represents my mind, and the wolf represents my body, which is tethered to my mind. I had just asked the nurse to poke my body with an injection of live germs so that my mind could release my fear of getting Shingles. I had also been overworking preparing for my upcoming three-week teaching tour in Europe. I am that woman in the dream, prodding my own body to get things done. The message of the dream is that if I agitate my body too much, it may attack me, which is the exact description of an auto-immune disorder. As a cancer survivor, I really get the message of this dream and have begun to pace myself better, allowing more time for rest after working.
Getting the injection in my body for all the right reasons is a bit like a factory producing goods for all the right reasons and then dumping their toxic byproducts into the river. A vaccination gives the system a very mild case of an illness so the immune system will produce antibodies, target-specific soldiers ready to combat that illness if it would ever appear in the future. For a few days, I noticed several symptoms from the vaccination: some overall achiness in my joints and muscles, increased fatigue, and a slight drop in mood. I also feel my immunity to Shingles building and my body gradually recovering from the induced mini-illness in service of higher quality longevity.
On a larger scale, the wolf is like our planet, Mother Earth. We are all poking and prodding her, cutting off her lungs by slash and burn removal of rainforests to make land to grow cattle, building nuclear plants to provide energy, and dumping our toxins into her waterways, her bloodstream. When we push her past her limit, she reacts with an attack like the earthquakes and tsunamis which have devastated Japan. We have been violating our Mother Earth, raping her over and over by our actions without realizing that she has a limit as to how far we can push her. She is like the woman in the first dream, trying to figure out how to deal with the aftermath of all the abuse she has been given. As Mother Earth is violated, we are all being personally violated, like the woman in the dream, by our dark side lack of awareness that what we do to our planet, we do to ourselves. This awareness has made me change my attitude to being more gentle with my own body and with the resources of this precious planet that gives us so much!
May we all be grateful for what Mother Earth gives us, treat her more gently, and pray for Ray 27 from the Heart of God to heal her, “The Diamond Light of the Creator—Pure White Light—Peaceful Co-Existence between species, races, religions, and governments.” So be it!