Monday, March 23, 2015

Other Life Forms

While swimming in the wild with Humpback Whales again this year, I was struck by how different a whale's body is from that of a human. The first difference is size itself. A humpback female is about 45 feet long and gives birth to a one-ton baby. Also the brain of a whale is proportionally bigger to its overall size than the brains of humans. That means they are not only bigger, but smarter!
According to author Patricia Cori, whales came from a planet called Oceana that is made mostly of water. This planet revolves around a Sirian star known as Satais. Cori says the songs of the whales and dolphins hold the ocean in balance and are essential to the harmony of all life on Earth.
For the first time in the five years I have been swimming with the whales, we had the experience of being right over a male whale named Sockeye who was singing his heart out. The song is in this YouTube video I made.

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